
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Toggles - Silicone Adjusters (or whatever they're called)

More on attaching them....

I made this quick video on how to attach them.  I've made HUNDRED's of masks....  I find this reshaped paperclip really works best.  

The crochet hook is just terrible.  Don't waste your money!  The bobbi pin and twist ties work ok but it requires and pinch and pull.  This is difficult for some people.  I think the paper clip works best because of the hooks on both ends.  You can hook your finger to the larger one and pull.  

If you'd like to purchase some toggles, masks or pouches, I've set up an Etsy shop as well as one on Ebay.  I do have different stuff so be sure to check them both out.

Until next time, be safe and take care!


Friday, June 19, 2020

Attaching them....

There's a tool that you can buy to attach the silicone adjuster that I just posted about.  It looks like a small crochet hook, but I came up with an easy way using a small paper clip. 

1.      Use a small paper clip. 
2.      Open it up. 
3.      The smaller loop will be the hook so give that a pinch, but don’t close it all the way
4.      Open up the larger loop 
5.      Put your silicone adjuster through the larger hole (first) on the larger loop.  
6.      Hook the elastic or cord through the smaller loop. 
7.      Push the adjuster through toward the elastic. 
8.     Pull it through 
9.     That's it!  You're done! 

You can also use a needle & thread like this:

Bobbie pins work great too! Happy Mask Making!  Be safe!


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Mask Making Mania!

Hey There!

Its been awhile.  I hope everyone is doing well and is safe.  I have been making nothing but masks since April.  I'm in Southern California so masks are required everywhere we go.  I have been making masks for family and friends and even sold a few online....

So I recently came across these.

A friend of mine has a supplier overseas and was able to find them for me.  If any of you are making masks, you'll know that these are a "GAME CHANGER".  You end up with a perfect fit.

I have 2 styles:  spiral & flat that work great with 1/4" elastic.  They don't work so great with 1/8" elastic.  It's too thin so they tend to slip off.

Sorry!  I set some aside for you guys but those are all sold out!  I'll post if I get some more.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Paperie Blog Tour

** sorry, this giveaway is officially closed!**

Hi There!  If you're here for the Paperie Blog Tour.... Welcome!!!  Thanks for stopping by!

I was super excited when Amy told me she was going to start designing fabric. I met her in person a couple years ago through our mutual friend Amy.  We are lucky to live closeby, so we've been meeting up ever since.

I got to work with Paperie earlier when I made Amy a couple things for her booth at last year's fall market.  Without question, I just had to make another quilt.  

I used every Paperie print as well as some solids. My favorite print is definitely Manuscript - the navy one.  The pattern is Cozies Flannel.  I chose this pattern because it reminds me of the Irish Chain pattern.  Irish Chain is one of my favorite patterns. So simple yet stunning.

This beauty finishes at 54" x 54".  A perfect quilt for late night TV watching.  :) 

quilted it using straight lines both horizontally and vertically. I kinda love it and I'm definitely going to make this quilt again.  This is also a great pattern if you are just learning to quilt.    

Be sure to check out other awesome Paperie projects by these amazing makers. 
January 25 ~ Heidi Staples of
January 26 ~ Kerry Goulder of
January 27 ~ Cheri Lehnow of
January 28 ~ Sharon Holland of
January 29 ~ Jemima Flendt of
January 30 ~ Michelle Curtis of
February 1 ~ Christina Egner of
February 2 ~ Ali Brorsen of
February 3 ~ Kristine Lempriere of
February 4 ~ Nicole Young of
February 5 ~ Lori Landenburger of
February 6 ~ Jennifer Chon of - you are here! ;)
February 8 ~ Melissa LeRay of
February 9 ~ Megan Jimanez of
February 10 ~ Faith Essenburg of
February 11 ~ Renee Lange of
February 13 ~ Kristyne Czepuryk of
February 15 ~ Heather Andrus of
February 18 ~ Amy Sinibaldi of

Best part - Amy is giving away Paperie Love Letters. If you'd like to win one, leave a comment.  Let me know what your favorite quilt pattern is or what you enjoy sewing / making the most.  You have until Wednesday, Feb 10th, 7:00pm (PST)....  a winner will be picked randomly. 
Again, thanks for stopping by.  If you don't have Paperie yet, go get some now.  It's a limited edition and once it's gone, it's gone. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Scrappy Attic Windows Pattern

Scrappy Attic Windows - I finally got around to finishing my 2nd pattern.  Sorry it took so long.  So many of you were asking for it so here it is!  It you love HSTs, then you'll love making this!  I included a bunch of alternate layouts.  A BUNCH! 
You can purchase a copy here at my Craftsy Store. 
A big thank you to my dear friend, Maria for helping me put this out.  Another thank you to all of you who patiently waited for this.  You guys are the best! 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Courthouse Steps - A Quick Tutorial

Here's another beauty I made for Lecien Fabrics for their spring market booth.

This Flower Sugar collection is mostly reproductions so I wanted to make something that was traditional but still modern. 

I decided on a courthouse step pattern. I've always loved this pattern so I was glad to be able to finally make it.  I especially love how each section ends up looking like a triangle. 

Here's my finished quilt. It measures 54" X 54". Each block finishes at 13.5". 

If you'd like to make one, here are the measurements.  I used 2" strips and 4 different fabrics for each block. 

Here's how you put it together. 

That's it!  Super simple and fun!  Happy Sewing!


Antique Tile Block - Quick Tutorial

Here's another quilt I made for Lecien's Spring Market booth. I was asked to work with their new quilter basics. This collection contains a large variety of colors. There's a mix of bright colors as well as darker traditional colors. I decided to use a traditional pattern and decided on crosshatch quilting. So I stuck with that plan and ran with it. 

I love the end result....  This is  my Antique Tile Quilt. 

These are 9" blocks. If you want to make one, here are the measurements. Just squares and rectangles. 

Here's how they're assembled.

That's it!  Super Simple!  

Happy Sewing!
